Coupling ultrasound energy from a transducer’s radiating surface to the patient’s entry plane requires specific water degassing and coupling equipment. Sonic Concepts provides complete water coupling solutions for your treatment, imaging or testing needs.

Coupling Cones
All Sonic Concepts transducers are offered with transparent coupling cones to provide a fixed distance of degassed water between the transducers surface and the patient’s entry plane.
Coupling Cone
Model C-101
Installation Instructions
Coupling Cone & Target Verification
Model CT-100
Installation Instructions
Coupling Cone & Target Verification
Model CT-300
Installation Instructions

The BCS-Series (Bladder Coupling Systems) provides an adjustable offset between the transducer’s surface and the patient’s entry plane. BCS uses an acoustically transparent and compliant membrane, useful for odd-shaped anatomy and variable focal penetration.

Test Tank Systems
Sonic Concepts offers standard benchtop and large custom-engineered test tanks to characterize acoustic fields. All models come with integrated control arms that provide up to 5-axis motor control using graphical user interface (GUI) software.
We also offer the newly developed BTT-105. This advanced, state-of-the-art test tank system comes with a detachable armature for superior versatility. Simply detach the motor control components from the BTT-105 for use with other test tanks or water containment units to meet a broader variety of research needs.