Sonic Concepts offers the HIFUPlex System, a turnkey solution including premium HIFU transducer technology with their TPO drive electronics for an affordable & easy-to-use FUS system.
The HIFUPlex System extends to an ultrasound guided focused ultrasound (USgFUS) solution using the Verasonic’s Vantage under fixed HIFUPlex pairings.

Turnkey HIFUPlex™ System
Single channel / Single focus HIFU transducer and control system.
Example: Single channel 200 Watts TPO-102 & H-101 transducer with fundamental and 3rd harmonic single focusing.
Dual channel / Dual focus HIFU transducer and control system for split beam foci.
Example: Dual channel 100 Watts each TPO-105 & H-101 dual element transducer for split beam focusing.
Multi-channel, multi-element HIFU transducer and control system to either axially blur, laterally blur or both.
Example: 4 channel 50 Watts each TPO-105 & H-184 4-element transducer for lateral blurring, while sustaining axial length generated from the coherent driving conditions.
Multi-channel, multi-element HIFU transducer and control system to either axially steer, laterally steer or both.
Example: 128 channel 10 Watts each TPO-300 & H-302 128 element transducer for volume steering.