Our hydrophones are used for pulse echo, receiving and passive cavitation detection (PCD). They are calibrated in an anechoic water test tank using a planar scanning integral technique. Reciprocity calibration is available upon request.

Y (PCD)-Series Passive Cavitation Detectors
Sonic Concepts develops passive cavitation detectors (PCD’s) either unfocused or focused and can be integrated within your HIFU transducer for real time cavitation detection.
Wide bandwidth, 10 kHz to 20 MHz
Focusing curvature with increased sensitivity
– Concave-cylindrical
– Concave-spherical
– Annular-ring
– MRI Compatible

Y (HI)-Series High Intensity Hydrophones
High intensity hydrophones are required for characterizing high intensity fields. Sonic Concepts builds and calibrates their Y_HI-Series hydrophones to withstand high acoustic power regimes while characterizing non-linear behaviors in test medium.
Wide bandwidth, 1 to 3 MHz
Offers a robust tip to be used in direct contact with a therapy transducer’s surface
Withstands high intensity fields
Highly sensitive, no pre-amplification required
Either straight of L-shaped configurations available

Omni-directional Invasive Hydrophones
Miniature omni-directional (360°) hydrophones are useful for in-vitro and in-vivo non-linear pressure characterization.
Wide bandwidth, 500 kHz to 3 MHz
>Ø1.0 mm outside diameter
Autoclave resistant
360° directivity within -4 dB
Comes with biopsy insertion needle and accessories